About Us

About Us2022-05-30T13:10:10+02:00


Since its inception, FHRD has built a strong, steady reputation as the natural home for human resources professionals in Malta through the various programmes and events organised by the Foundation. The association organises a wide selection of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses, Accredited programmes, the Annual HR Conference and Trade Exhibit and a number of networking events. In 2000, the Foundation signed an exclusive agreement with the Centre for Labour Market Studies within the University of Leicester to offer its world-class, research-intensive HR programmes to local students. This unprecedented partnership has proved highly fruitful and successful, granting Maltese students the opportunity to immerse themselves into their chosen area of specialisation and become leading practitioners as a result. The statistics faithfully concur: in the last decade, most of the HR professionals which graduated in the HR discipline were alumni of one of the study programmes of this centre.

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